Ed News 2 Use
The Decision is Yours
April 14, 2022
It is said that everything in life is a choice — everything. But, how can that be? Think of all the negative things that happen to people who never made a choice to have those things happen. However, there is something even in these circumstances about which there is a choice. It is the thoughts that people choose to think!!! Every day and every moment, there is a choice. There is a choice to be positive and to have hope. We know two people who are living with terminal illnesses. Both look for positives in each day. Instead of seeing the glass half empty, they look for ways to fill the glass up.
You too have a choice each day. You have children in your classroom who may not think positively about themselves. When children think they are bad, they may act the part. You have a choice to help them reach for the stars, to help them think better thoughts about themselves. You can teach them to dream, to give them hope. You have a choice for yourself too, to rise above any adverse circumstances in your own life. Help children learn this. It will make all the difference in the world for them and how they live today and in their future.
Carry on...
Maryln Appelbaum and Marty Appelbaum