Spotlight on Infants and Toddlers - Online
November 6, 2021
8:30 am to
1:30 pm
U.S. Time Zones

This Seminar Begins At:
Hawaii Time
Alaska Time
Pacific Time
Mountain Time
Central Time
Eastern Time
Credits: 0.50
Earn 5 Clock Hours When You Pass Exam
Seminar Pricing:
Watch LIVE or the recording within 2 weeks of the broadcast date - the recording will be removed on November 20
* Missouri and Minnesota only: Those in Missouri and Minnesota who wish to receive MOPD/Develop credit must take their certificate exam no later than noon on Monday, November 8, 2021
Each Topic Area Below Is Included
Spotlight on Infant & Toddler Learning Activities and Games
Fun activities for different ages * Special fun games to promote sensory and visual development in infants * Songs, fingerplays, and games and laughter for Toddlers * Great ways to create fun times for you and tots
Smart Starts: Building Brain Power in Infants and Toddlers
Must-knows about the developing brain * How and why the early years are vital to brain development * Facts about the brain’s development the first years of life * How to boost brain smarts * Activities to build relationships and brains
The Special Language of Tots!
Amazing ways tots communicate and how to recognize what they are saying * Discover the power of “Tot Talk” so you know what they really mean and want as they communicate that they are angry, sad, over-stimulated, or cranky.
10 Must-Knows for Fussy Irritable Infants and Toddlers
Learn the most common reasons infants get fussy and cry and what to do * Strategies that work for both infants and toddlers to calm children * Set the stage for the beginning of self-regulation
Developmental Milestones: Ages and Stages
Fun activities for different ages * Special fun games to promote sensory and visual development in infants * Songs, fingerplays, and games and laughter for Toddlers * Great ways to create fun times for you and tots
Brain-friendly Ways to Make Each Day Easier Working with Tots
Learn the brain-friendly way to calm children * How to make drop-off and pick-up easier and more comfortable for all involved * How to have restful naptime routines * Tearless diaper changes * Interactive Meal times
5-Hour Certificate
After viewing, pass a brief follow-up exam for a 5-hour certificate. The exam is an additional $5. See the bottom of this page to find the $5 exam, add it to your cart, and pay. You will see the exam in your Order History, but will not be able to take it until after the seminar ends on Saturday.
Regular Registration NO LATER THAN November 4, 2021 Group size 1-4 people: $25.00 per person Group size 5+: $21.00 per person |
Late Registration November 5, 6, 2021 Group size 1-4 people: $29.00 per person Group size 5+: $24.00 per person |
Category: Discipline/Guidance & Development Environment & Curriculum Child Growth and Development
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Dr. Maryln Appelbaum You’re in for a treat! Maryln Appelbaum is totally amazing. Her laughter is contagious, and so is her love of teaching children. She captivates, motivates, inspires, entertains, and wows audience members with her stories, strategies, songs, and her VERY special laugh!
Maryln is sometimes called “The Child Care Guru” because she has answers to the tough questions when working with children. She combines her education of both undergraduate and graduate degrees in education and psychology, and her early childhood experience as a teacher, director, and owner of 3 early childhood centers. She has written more than 30 books for early childhood, appeared on TV and Radio Talk Shows. Tens of thousands of early childhood teachers get her daily “Message from Maryln” emails that give them strategies, inspiration, and hope. She has spoken to hundreds of thousands of audience members. They go back to work motivated and excited to implement what they have learned. You and your staff will too! Get ready for an awesome day filled with joy, laughter and learning. |