Dancing to Different Beats - Neurodiverse Children
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Earn 5 Clock Hours When You Pass Exam
*This course may not be approved in your state. Please "Choose Your State" from our homepage to filter only trainings approved for your state.
MI Customers: Check the MI Registry at the MI Registry site before taking this course.
Registration size 1-4 people: $34 per person
Registration size 5+ people: $29 per person
Watch the Recording at Your Leisure.
Does your state require credit be added to a training system or registry?
If yes, then email statecredit@atiseminars.org after completing and passing your end of course exam:
I have completed and passed the exam for the following: ____name of course_______.
Join Maryln Appelbaum and Marty Appelbaum when they presented this training on Sept 14, 2024
All 5 topics will be covered.
There is hope! Success Strategies for Children with Autism (ASD)
Great strategies to help children with Autism. Learn about the different levels of Autism and strategies for success for each level. * Practical and effective strategies that work!
“Always on the Move & Can’t Focus” Toolkit for Success for Children with ADHD
Do you have children who can’t sit still, fall out of their chairs, are easily distracted, and can’t focus? Recognize the signs, and get the answers you need to help children succeed
“I’m on Sensory Overload!” Tools for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
Children who have SPD can be on sensory overload from sounds, sights, touch, tastes, and smells
Get a better understanding of SPD * Learn easy-to-do sensory friendly strategies to help children.
Unlocking Potential for Children with Learning Disabilities (LD)
Learn the warning signs of (LD) learning disabilities and receive strategies for success to help them flourish
Finding Calm in the Storm: Nurturing Children with Emotional and Behavioral Issues
Do you have children who are irritable, agitated, worried, stressed and anxious frequently? You may have children who have GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Recognize the signs, and get the answers you need to help children find “calm” and thrive
5-Hour Certificate
After viewing, pass a brief follow-up quiz for a 5-hour certificate. (Retake fee $5)
CDA CANDIDATES: This training can be applied toward the CDA formal early childhood training requirement of 120 hours.
Category: Child Growth and Development Social and Emotional Development Special Needs