Behavior Boss and Champion Classroom Creator
Webinar recorded on June 5, 2021.
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Earn 5 Clock Hours When You Pass Exam
Included in this Recording of a "Live" Online Training on June 5, 2021.
*This course may not be approved in your state. Please "Choose Your State" from our homepage to filter only trainings approved for your state.
Registration size 1-4 people: $34 per person
Registration size 5+ people: $29 per person
Watch the Recording at Your Leisure.
Does your state require credit be added to a training system or registry?
if yes, then email statecredit@atiseminars.org after completing and passing your end of course exam:
I have completed and passed the exam for the following: ____name of course_______.
You do not have to choose. All of the following 5 TOPICS will be covered.
*Succeed with the “3'D's: Difficult, Disruptive, & Defiant Children
Children who are difficult, disruptive, and defiant, can totally disrupt your classroom and create chaos. Become an expert at handling these children and all children. Receive the top 5 things you must do to have strategies work, and what to do, and how to do it.
*BIG IDEAS for Teaching STEAM in the Early Childhood Classroom
Get the scoop on awesome ways to help children think scientifically, explore engineering, enjoy math, and art. Fun STEAM activities to incorporate into your class day. Great brain-building activities * Easy and fun do-it-yourself activities
*Transition Time Magic: Awesome Ways to Make Transitions Smooth & Easy
It is estimated that the average early childhood teacher spends about 20% of the day moving children from one activity to another. Receive great ways to make those transition times smooth, easy, and fun. Great tips and strategies to prevent transition chaos and problems.
*The Caring Connection: How to Balance Love and LimitsFive powerful ways to establish a caring connection * How to be an Intentional Teacher * The art of meaningful conversations * Ways to gain the trust of children * Promote values in children like respect, honesty, and responsibility * Effective ways to balance and love and caring with limits
*Circle Time Magic for Children Ages 2-5
Have you ever had problems during circle time? Watch the “experts,” Maryln and Marty in action doing circle time activities with children. Learn how long to make circle time * How to hold the attention of children * Introduce new learning * Have fun * Handle transitions like a pro * Get rid of the wiggles * Create the best circle time ever!
5-Hour Certificate
After viewing, pass a brief follow-up exam for a 5-hour certificate. (Retake fee $5)
CDA CANDIDATES: This training can be applied toward the CDA formal early childhood training requirement of 120 hours.
Category: Environment & Curriculum Child Growth and Development Child Discipline/Interactions