Teaching Infants, Toddlers, and Twos
Webinar recorded on June 26, 2021.
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Earn 5 Clock Hours When You Pass Exam
Included in this Recording of a "Live" Online Training on June 26, 2021.
*This course may not be approved in your state. Please "Choose Your State" from our homepage to filter only trainings approved for your state.
Registration size 1-4 people: $34 per person
Registration size 5+ people: $29 per person
Watch the Recording at Your Leisure.
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if yes, then email statecredit@atiseminars.org after completing and passing your end of course exam:
I have completed and passed the exam for the following: ____name of course_______.
Five Topics
*No More Misbehaving! Tools for the Toughest Tots
Do you have tots that say “No,” over and over again? Tots that don’t share? Tots that Hit? Tots that push and shove? Tots that Bite? Tots that have temper tantrums? If you said “yes,” than look no more. Get the answers you need!
*Ages and Stages: Developmental Characteristics of Young Children
Children have unique characteristics of things they can do. Learn ages and stages for the different ages of tots starting from birth to 3 months & continuing * Learn typical skills they have for each stage: Physical Skills * Social Skills * Language Skills * What to expect at each stage; what they like * What to Do
*Watch Me Grow! Magical Ways to Teach Positive Social Behaviors
Did you know that research shows that even very young infants prefer faces and sounds and emotions that are positive? Learn ways to help foster empathy, kindness, caring, and sharing in tots. Learn the power of the 4 E’s * Use “Mind-Mindfulness” to teach tots about emotions * Teach even young children problem solving
*Must-Knows for Making Each Day Easier When You Work with Infants & Toddlers
Learn the brain-friendly way to calm children * How to make drop-off and pick-up easier and more comfortable for all involved * How to have restful naptime routines * Tearless diaper changes * Interactive Meal times
*Amazing Ways to Communicate with Infants and Toddlers Right from the Start
Did you know that infants can recognize their mother’s voice right after they are born? Learn how tots communicate to tell you they are angry, sad, over-stimulated, cranky.
5-Hour Certificate
After viewing, pass a brief follow-up exam for a 5-hour certificate. (Retake fee $5)
CDA CANDIDATES: This training can be applied toward the CDA formal early childhood training requirement of 120 hours.
Category: Discipline/Guidance & Development Child Growth and Development Child Discipline/Interactions