Text Alert Sign-up
Sign up for texts to see upcoming events in your area or online, to grab incredible deals and exclusive sales.
It takes less than a minute and you can opt-out at any time.
How to Opt-In for Text Alerts in 3 easy steps:
*Standard messaging/data rates may apply!
1. Open a blank text message on your cell phone
-All cities use the same 6 digit phone number: 411-247 (type this number into the "send to:" section)
2. From the list below, choose an area you wish to sign up for
-The message that you send to 411-247 will vary from city to city - choose one from the list below!
Example for Birmingham area:
You would text the message AtiBirm to the phone number: 411-247
3. You can opt-in to multiple lists, but you must complete one at a time.
Interested in Online Training?
Text the message AtiOnline to 411-247
State - City/Area - Message
AL - Birmingham - AtiBirm
AZ - Phoenix, Tucson - AtiPhoenix
AR - Little Rock - AtiLittleRock
CA - Los Angeles, San Diego - AtiSoCal
CO - Denver - AtiDenver
CT - Hartford region - AtiHartford
DE - Wilmington - AtiWilm
Washington D.C. and surrounding areas - AtiWDC
FL - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami- AtiFTL
FL - Orlando - AtiOrlando
FL - Tampa - AtiTampa
IA - Cedar Rapids - AtiCR
IA - Des Moines - AtiDM
IL - Springfield - AtiSPI
IL - Chicago - AtiChicago
IN - Indianapolis - AtiIndy
KY - Louisville - AtiLouisville
LA - New Orleans, Baton Rouge - AtiNola
MA - Boston - AtiBoston
MD - Baltimore - AtiBaltimore
ME - state-wide - AtiMaine
MI - Detroit - AtiDetroit
MI - Grand Rapids - AtiGR
MN - Minneapolis - AtiMin
MS - Jackson - AtiJackson
MO - Kansas City - AtiKC
MO - St. Louis - AtiSTL
NC - Charlotte - AtiCharlotte
NC - Raleigh - AtiRaleigh
NE - Omaha - AtiOmaha
NJ - state-wide - AtiNJ
NM - Albuquerque - AtiABQ
OH - Cleveland - AtiCleveland
OH - Columbus - AtiColumbus
OK - Oklahoma City - AtiOKCity
OK - Tulsa - AtiTulsa
OR - state-wide - AtiOregon
PA - Philadelphia - AtiPhilly
PA - Pittsburgh - AtiPitt
SD - Sioux Falls - AtiSioux
TN - Knoxville - AtiKnoxville
TN - Memphis - AtiMemphis
TN - Nashville - AtiNashville
TX - Austin - AtiAustin
TX - Corpus Christi, South TX - AtiCorpus
TX - Dallas-Ft. Worth MetroPlex - AtiDFW
TX - Houston - AtiHouston
TX - San Antonio - AtiSanAntonio
VA - Richmond, Norfolk - AtiRichmond
WI - Milwaukee - AtiMilwaukee
Text the message "AtiOnline" to the phone number 411-247 to get updates about our live ONLINE seminars!
*Standard messaging/data rates may apply!
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