Lighting the Spark of Joy, Play, and Learning
Webinar recorded on June 19, 2021.
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Earn 5 Clock Hours When You Pass Exam
Included in this Recording of a "Live" Online Training on June 19, 2021.
*This course may not be approved in your state. Please "Choose Your State" from our homepage to filter only trainings approved for your state.
Registration size 1-4 people: $34 per person
Registration size 5+ people: $29 per person
Watch the Recording at Your Leisure.
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if yes, then email statecredit@atiseminars.org after completing and passing your end of course exam:
I have completed and passed the exam for the following: ____name of course_______.
10 QUICK Fixes for When Children Misbehave
Do you ever wish you could wave a magic wand and make your classroom problems disappear? Then, this topic is for you. Settle back, relax, and learn 10 quick fixes that will help your classroom’s behavior problems become less and less.
Giggles, Wiggles, Jiggles, & Squiggles: Fun Circle Time Activities
Take advantage of circle time to introduce new learning, teach rules, and have the class bond together. Cooperative learning activities * Fun songs and fingerplays * Chants * Rhymes * Great ways to hold the attention of children *Awesome fun and interesting activities that toddlers and preschoolers will love
DIY Ways to Add Sparkle and Pizazz to Learning Centers
Great ways to jazz up the centers you have and add more fun to new ones * Key strategies to successfully manage learning centers * Outdoor center fun * Literacy * Art * Math * Science * Great ideas to add fun and pizazz to your centers
“Some parents are driving me crazy!” Success Strategies with Difficult Parents
Turn difficult parents into cooperative parents * Strategies for success with the “Know-It-All * Helicopter parent * Backstabbing parent * Parent whose child does no wrong * Parent who thinks you are not fair * Defensive parent * Overly indulgent parent * Angry & negative parents
20 Sanity-Saving Solutions to STOP BITING!
Biting can be one of the most frustrating misbehaviors, and typically the one that parents complain about the most * Get strategies that work to prevent and stop biting * Learn why children bite * The different types of bites and what do they each mean * 20 Sanity-Saving Solutions to Stop Biting
5-Hour Certificate
After viewing, pass a brief follow-up exam for a 5-hour certificate. (Retake fee $5)
CDA CANDIDATES: This training can be applied toward the CDA formal early childhood training requirement of 120 hours.
Category: Environment & Curriculum Family & Community Child Growth and Development Child Discipline/Interactions